Lorena Naranjo
Lawyer, with more than 20 years of experience in the public and private sector. Ph.D. cum laude in Legal and Political Sciences and Master in New Technologies Law from the Universidad Pablo de Olavide, in Seville-Spain. Researcher, BID consultant and undergraduate and postgraduate teacher, author of several academic articles and national and international lecturer. Leading implementer in national and international companies, banks and other entities in the financial sector, digital platforms, e-commerce in the adoption of personal data protection models, cybersecurity and digital transformation incorporating Big Data, internet of things, artificial intelligence. Author and leader of the process of approval of the Personal Data Protection Law for Ecuador and other regulations that allowed its implementation in the National System of Public Data Registry when she was National Director of DINARDAP.
- Superior Specialization in Procedural Law, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, 2004.
- Master's Degree in New Technologies Law, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, 2007.
- Inter-American Diploma "The Human Right to Privacy and Personal Data Protection", Inter-American Institute of Human Rights, 2020.
- Ph.D. in Law and Political Science, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, 2020.
- Author of the content of the Internet Segura Ecuador web page, DINARDAP, 2009.
- National Director of Public Data Registry, DINARDAP, 2007 - 2020.
- Promoter of the Personal Data Protection Organic Law Project and promoter of its approval in the National Assembly, DINARDAP, 2020.
- Co-author and Editor of the First Evaluation of Registry Capacities and Index of Registry Capacities, DINARDAP, 2020.
- Director of the First Master's Degree in Digital Law, UDLA, 2020 - 2022.
- Cum Laude Mention, Ph.D. in Legal and Political Sciences, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, 2020.
- Member of the Ibero-American Network of Digital Law.
- Member of the Ibero-American Federation of Computer Law Associations.
- Founding member of the Ecuadorian Data Association.
- Honorary Member of the Openlab Ecuador Foundation.
- Member of the World Association of Virtual Tutors.

Lorena Naranjo