Daniela Macias
Senior Lawyer in the area of Digital Law and Personal Data Protection at Spingarn & Marks, with 10 years of experience in technology and law, Master in Intellectual Property and New Technologies Law, consultant of companies at national and international level, postgraduate teacher in the field, author of several academic articles, panelist and national and international lecturer. Leading expert in consulting and implementation of compliance in digital law and personal data protection, and management systems in public and private organizations at national and international level. Consultant in innovation and digital transformation, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and neuro-rights. Author and promoter of the process of approval of the Organic Law on Personal Data Protection and its implementation in the National System of Public Data Registry, of which she was Director of Information Protection for 3 years.
- Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic, Universidad de las Américas, 2016.
- Master in Intellectual Property and New Technologies Law, University of La Rioja, 2020.
- Diplomado en Privacidad,Regulación y Gobernanza de Datos, Centro de Investigación y Docencia EconómicaA.C., 2021
- Ecuadorian representative for the Internet Governance Forum of Latin America and the Caribbean, IGF 2018.
- Ecuadorian representative for the Internet Governance Forum of Latin America and the Caribbean, IGF 2019.
- Co-author of the articles of the Draft Organic Law on Personal Data Protection, DINARDAP, 2019.
- Content author, Web SiteInternet Segura Ecuador, DINARDAP, 2020.
- Highly Recommended, Personal Data Protection Law, Leaders League, 2023
- Founding Partner of Asociación de Protección de Datos Personales.
- Member of the Iberoamerican Network of Young Computer Law.
- Host of the program "DerechosDigitales" in Telesucesos.

Daniela Macias